[The video starts out as just a picture of the sky as it lies on the ground somewhere. There's the sound of scraping and shuffling nearby, broken up by a few pained coughs and groans.] Ugh...what the hell...
Shit...guess I'm not quite dead yet. And if I am, I'm feeling pretty damn ripped off, cause everything still fucking hurts. Ow ow ow...
D! Where the hell did you go? Not cool, man. Could have at least dumped me near a hospital instead of-
[He cuts himself off as he finally looks around, recognition dawning.]
Oh hell no, no way. No freaking way. This dump again? Holy shit...
So there oughta be... [a few more scrapes] Yep, there it is. Come 'ere, you little piece of crap...
[There's a grunt as he reaches for the communicator. He drags it over, noticing it's on but not realizing it's on video. There's a nice sideways shot as he leans back against the wall he's propped himself against, breathing heavily.
He's a complete mess. Deep cuts and gashes cover his body, and it looks like he's just been mauled by a pack of dogs. Which, essentially, he has. He's been bandaged up but only very basically, and certain injuries, like the gash in his leg and the cut on his head, won't stop bleeding.]
Great, what a way to go. Don't even get the good fortune to kick the bucket in my own universe...just my luck.
Oi, anyone even listening to this? Come on, help a guy out, will ya?
[OOC: Yeeeah...he's kinda gonna bleed to death if someone doesn't get to him soon. L-lol welcome back amirite?]