Survey! Stolen from Amanda.

Nov 17, 2006 00:04

1. Yourself: Shane
2. Your significant other(s): Charlie.
3. Your hair: Half-and-Half
4. Your mother: Amazing
5. Your father: Stubborn
6. Your favorite item: Poopsie
7. Your dream last night: weirdness
8. Your favorite drink: Shirley Temple
9. Your dream car: 1998 White Eclipse; Lotus Elise
10. The room you are in: Dorm
11. Your ex: JStrass
12. Your fear: failure
13. What you want to be in 10 years: sucessful
14. Who you hung out with last night: Erin
15. What you're not: pretty
16. Muffins: ChcolateChip
17. One of your wish list items: New Jacket
18. Time: 12:00
19. The last thing you did: Check my laundry
20. What you are wearing: shorts-tanktop
21. Your favorite weather: thunderstorms
22. Your favorite book: Tuesdays with Morrie
23. The last thing you ate: oatmeal bar
24. Your life: sucks
25. Your mood: hurt
26. Your best friend: Kwissy + others
27. What you are thinking about right now: going home
28. Your car: camry
29. What you are doing at the moment: talking to luke
30. Your summer: awesome
31. Your relationship status: yay
32. What is on your TV: nothing
33. What the weather is like: rain
34. The last time you laughed: hour ago
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