
Feb 09, 2012 23:24

Another crash in mood on Monday, possibly related to the lodger's absence in Paris over the weekend. I slept a lot and generally felt sorry for myself, then cheered up a bit and even did a little housework. So far, I've cleared a pathway between the bedroom door and my bed, flanked by horrible piles of dirty washing and un-put-away clothes, changed the sheets, washed my hair and made two batches of marmalade.

I'm not sure why, because I am not that fond of marmalade, but when I found Seville oranges on sale (they have a very short season here) and very cheap limes and pink grapefruit in the market I decided that was what I had to do. The first batch (lime) was a bit of a failure, since the peel was still hard when it began to set, so I had to strain it off and just jar the jelly part. This is pretty tasty though, and on the whole I'm pleased with it. For the grapefruit, I tried another recipe, from Nigella Lawson, which was much more successful, and tomorrow (if I can find a few more jars) I'll finish off with the oranges. It's all been rather satisfying, although everything in the flat, including me and this keyboard, is now ever so slightly sticky.

It's snowing pretty steadily at the moment, but not as heavily as it did on Saturday night. After last January's traditional road chaos, the council were pretty well prepared for it, and all the roads and pavements were gritted before the snow. The roads are quite clear tonight, which is just as well, as the the lodger has headed off on his bike to see friends.

snow, marmalade

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