(no subject)

May 24, 2011 00:19

The sleep reset seems to have worked pretty well. I'm still going to bed quite late, but at least I am now able to get up at a reasonable time. This morning I was awake and (more importantly) out of bed by 7.30.

It's been very windy for the last few days, and when I stepped out of the house this morning it was like walking into a huge cloud of pollen, or whatever has been setting off my hayfever. I had thought it was lime flowers, but they don't seem to be out yet, so maybe it's some sort of grass. There were bunches of fresh green leaves blown off the trees along the footpath around the library, which allowed me to confirm that the limes weren't in bloom yet, and although I've planted out some more of the vegetables for the terrace I don't dare put them out yet as they will be blown to shreds. The tomatoes I put out last week are looking a bit battered and wind-burned already. I can't plant any more out into their grow-bags until I've moved the planted ones out, unless I want a spare bedroom completely carpeted with courgette plants.

Really windy weather (by English standards) always makes me feel a bit uneasy, probably because there's always something rattling somewhere in the flat. I suppose with global warming and weather patterns changing, there will be an increase in wind generally. At least we don't get tornadoes here, yet. The tornadoes in the states at the moment look horrendous - those poor people.

pollen, weather

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