(no subject)

Feb 04, 2011 14:41

Sunshine yesterday, making everything look a lot more optimistic, possibly even with a faint hint of oncoming spring. I met up with a friend at the National Gallery, and we pottered about town for a while and then I came home and gave the flat a long-overdue tidy.

There's even a distant hint of some possible work. When I went out to put the rubbish on the kerb on Wednesday, I bumped into someone from work who was just passing by. Not as odd as all that, I suppose, since he lives quite near me, but it was the only thirty seconds I left the house for in the whole day. Yesterday, I had a call from work, so at least I'm back in touch with them, which is a start, and there seems to be a lot more work in the offing. So yay! I suppose.

work, weather

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