
Jan 25, 2010 22:47

Off to the Natural History Museum today, to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. Monday seems to be a good day to visit the NHM, with a fairly limited number of screaming kids, unlike my last visit on a Sunday, which was hell. The exhibition was lovely as ever, although the original winning photograph had been withdrawn, when the "wild" wolf it showed was found to be a "tame" one. Rather than describe the pictures, I’ll just point you at the museum site, although it seems to be a bit slow.

The NHM is one of my favourite buildings in London, built as a "cathedral of science", with a gorgeous golden painted ceiling in the main hall, and terracotta tiles and mouldings depicting real plants and animals in all the rooms, extinct animals outside and living species inside. I’ve always meant to photograph these, so it was good to finally get round to it, although some are a bit fuzzy.

Lots of pictures behind the cut;

A monkey in the main hall

A selection of molluscs, also in the main hall.

A selection of fish, in what is now the shop but must once have held the aquatic specimens.

Marine invertebrates, also in the shop.

An undetermined beast, possibly a bush-baby, in the main entrance.

Some sort of lizard, facing the possible bush-baby.

Column designs around the outside of the main door. The ones indoors are based on prehistoric fern stems, but these seem to be just geometric.

A rather odd pterodactyl over one of the windows (lit pinkly by the floodlights).

A fox(?) on the gatepost to the main entrance.

An impressively-eyebrowed owl, also on the gatepost.

Another monkey, or possibly a marmoset, on the gatepost.

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