Knee stuff

Feb 10, 2009 21:59

Despite what seems to have happened in the rest of the country, last night's storm doesn't seem to have amounted to much here, or else I slept through it. Certainly no rain got into the house, probably because the wind was from the east, driving the rain onto he back of the house. Anyway, by the time I was up and out of the house, it was a rather pleasant cold, bright day, with a very faint whisper of spring about it. The daffodils all seem to be coming up in the parks and lawns, and I even saw some snowdrops this afternoon.

It was time for my six-month check-up on the hip replacement, and by being nice to the nurse, I got them to X-ray the knee I fell on last week as well. The hip is fine, as expected, and the knee, although badly arthritic (which I knew already) is not detectably broken anywhere. The specialist suggested that one of the knobbly outgrowths on the bone had chipped off, which would account for the snapping I thought I'd heard when I fell. Apart from that, it's just bruised, which is a bit of a relief. He also looked at my hands, which have got a bit worse over this winter, but only enough to say that there wasn't much that could be done for them, which wasn't really a surprise. I'll just have to give my rings to the g-d and niece, since I can't get them on any more. He also said something interesting; I mentioned that I'd put back about half the weight I'd lost before the hip operation, and he told me about a study that seemed to indicate that most people who have a hip replacement put on weight after the operation, despite being more mobile after it and whether or not they had lost weight before, which seems to indicate that the arthritis itself burns more calories than a normal joint. Interesting - goodness knows what size I'd be by now without arthritis.

arthritis, spring!, knee, hip replacement

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