(no subject)

Nov 30, 2008 20:08

Urgh! Feeling a bit depressed today, possibly because although I had nearly a whole week off I don't seem to have accomplished anything. There are still puddings to be made, monkeys to be sewn and presents to be sorted out. Lay awake last night worrying about, well everything. In the end, I got up at about 3.30 am and sat down at the computer, and made a few notes for work while drinking some warm milk. Eventually I went back to bed and got a bit of sleep crammed with complicated dreams, mainly about Poland, since I am off to Cracow on Thursday (travel also makes me worry).

On the more cheerful side, I must thank sweetmadnes for the parcel! It arrived last week, but I only got down to the post office to pick it up yesterday. It is still too early for me to be in full Christmas mode with parcels, so I'm afraid I opened them
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