A Weekend Wasted (apart from the monkeys)

May 27, 2008 19:04

Apart from a pleasant few hours on Saturday, this weekend has been a total bust. Since this was a bank holiday, the weather was filthy; vile, cold, dark and rainy - ideal, in fact, for staying in and pottering about (or even working) on the internet, but I was unable to go out or to vegetate (or work) over the internet, because my sodding broadband connection fell over on Friday evening. I finally bit the bullet and called BT's "help"line on Sunday, going through the same checklist of possible solutions every time, and snarling with frustration. Mind you, the engineer showed up today, and was very nice, if understandably aggrieved that he had been booked in to far too many jobs today because the helpline, which is based far, far away, didn't realise that Monday was a public holiday. The problem turned out to be either my router cable or the whole router, so since it is still under warranty, he told them it was the router, to be on the safe side and connected it up with my old modem cable for the time being.

Saturday evening was spent with the g-d and boyfriend eating the ritual IKEA meal (gravadlax, new potatoes, watercress salad and IKEA cake, washed down with pear cider) and chortling at the Eurovision Song Contest. The UK just hasn't got a clue when it comes to Eurovision, and Ireland's My Lovely Horse Dustin the Turkey was kicked out in the semifinals, so I contented myself with losing £5 on Latvia's jolly pirate song. I discovered that the past few month's diet seems to have completely trashed my tolerance not only for alcohol, but also for large meals. Perhaps following the cider with vodka and cherry juice was a bit of a mistake?

I had grandiose plans to finish sorting out the roof terrace this weekend, since the plants, trellis and compost has been assembled, and there was no danger of a sudden summons from the hospital. I want to get the whole thing sorted before I go in, so that I'm not lying there tormented by the thought of all my lovingly-nurtured seedlings dying of drought. Originally, I had also meant to paint the walls before putting up the trellis, but that idea was abandoned on Saturday for lack of time. Sunday and Monday turned out to be far too wet to even go out on the blasted terrace, so I spent both days in a pile of books and sock monkey parts, gnashing my teeth at the rain and cursing. My mood was foul enough for me to be slightly cheered by the documentary on Channel 4 last night, in which Everyone Human Died, and the planet reverted to a green wilderness populated by bears and such.

bt broadband, work, rain, sock monkeys, moaning, pooh

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