Nothing much this week

Nov 22, 2007 21:22

No posts recently, since my life has been so dull, and you really don't want more of my moaning about the weather. This week I worked, got my eyes tested (have to go back for a pressure test) and took delivery of my Christmas cards from Moo, featuring the Pink Fairy Elephand of Christmas. Beyond that, nothing much, but tomorrow I am off to the Millais exhibition at the Tate Britain, which should give me something to write about.

Meanwhile, there was an interesting programme on radio 4 about whether or not there really is an "obesity epidemic", and some kind anonymous person read my mention of the recent AMA research into weight and life expectancy, and gave me a link to this thought-provoking Flickr collection illustrating some remarkably normal-looking people, with their BMIs. Thank you anonymous person!
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