Jun 29, 2013 13:32
I finally got my Biodome pictures from Ryan, so I'm going to Photoshop them a little bit to improve the lighting and sharpness (free version of Photoshop CS6, by the way!), and then I'll post them on here (and Facebook, and DeviantArt). I love doing art and my need to make art comes from nothing but an internal urgency to create, but I often find that, after I'm done a certain painting/collage/drawing/photograph, I don't really know what to do with them. Usually I just end up sending them to Brandon, because no one else really cares, and it's not like I can get paid for them or anything..
Incidentally, I just spent fucking $800 on a Nikon D5100 DSLR camera, and I can't tell yet whether or not I'm going to regret this purchase. It's difficult to rationalize spending that amount of money on one thing at one time.
Anyway, tl;dr, Biodome pictures forthcoming!