Mar 06, 2013 10:06

  • 200: My crush's name is: I'm 23. I don't have a crush, I have a boyfriend. And it's Brandon.
  • 199: I was born in: Canada, 1989
  • 198: I am really: Uh.. introverted.
  • 197: My cellphone company is: Bell Canada
  • 196: My eye color is: Green
  • 195: My shoe size is: 10 1/2
  • 194: My ring size is: No idea.
  • 193: My height is: 5'6" (I love that they never ask for weight. Bless you, quiz-makers. Bless you.)
  • 192: I am allergic to: Grass. I'm not even kidding. GRASS.
  • 191: My 1st car was: I CAN'T DRIVE
  • 190: My 1st job was: AND I DON'T WORK. I'm on disability.
  • 189: Last book you read: Currently toggling between The Hobbit, The Neverending Story, and The Rook (some book my brother is trying to force me to read).
  • 188: My bed is: Large.
  • 187: My pet: Three rats (Milo, Squeak, and Bandit - soon to be four), and a ferret (Quinn).
  • 186: My best friend: Is also my boyfriend. ..And Ryan. ..And Christian. ..And Kristen. That is all.
  • 185: My favorite shampoo is: I don't remember what it's called, but it's specifically made for mixed girls.
  • 184: XBOX or PS3: PS3, herp derp
  • 183: Piggy banks are: Adorable and I wish I had one.
  • 182: In my pockets: iPod and $100, for some reason.
  • 181: On my calendar: RATS! RATS EVERYWHERE!
  • 180: Marriage is: Okay for other people, but not for me.
  • 179: Spongebob can: Live in a pineapple under the sea.
  • 178: My mom: Hasn't talked to me in like, three months. Par for the course, though.
  • 177: The last three songs I bought were?: "Hollow" - Alice in Chains, "Candide" - Die Mannequin, "Holy Diver" - Killswitch Engage
  • 176: Last YouTube video watched: Uhhh.. probably something from The Walking Dead.
  • 175: How many cousins do you have?: 8
  • 174: Do you have any siblings?: One and a half.
  • 173: Are your parents divorced?: Yes
  • 172: Are you taller than your mom?: Yes
  • 171: Do you play an instrument?: Poorly.
  • 170: What did you do yesterday?: Studied. From 9 AM to 7 PM.
  • [ I Believe In ]
  • 169: Love at first sight: I want to say no, but that's basically what happened with Brandon and I (well, just with Brandon, really), and we've been together for nine years now, so.
  • 168: Luck: Yes
  • 167: Fate: No
  • 166: Yourself: Sometimes.
  • 165: Aliens: Yes
  • 164: Heaven: No
  • 163: Hell: No
  • 162: God: No
  • 161: Horoscopes: Not as a rule, but I like reading peoples' charts and stuff, and whenever they're accurate I'm like "OMG SO TRUE!!!1!!1"
  • 160: Soul mates: Yes
  • 159: Ghosts: Undecided.
  • 158: Gay Marriage: Gay marriage is not something to "believe in". It's not a fucking ideal. They are entitled to exactly the same rights and privileges that the rest of us have, period.
  • 157: War: No, wat? WHO IS GOING TO SAY YES TO THIS? (inb4 Americans)
  • 156: Orbs: What the fuck is an orb?
  • 155: Magic: No
  • [ This or That ]
  • 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses
  • 153: Drunk or High: High
  • 152: Phone or Online: Both? AT THE SAME TIME.
  • 151: Red heads or Black haired: I DON'T KNOW, I LOVE THEM BOTH. Y U SO HARD, QUIZ?
  • 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette
  • 149: Hot or cold: Cold
  • 148: Summer or winter: Winter
  • 147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
  • 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
  • 145: Night or Day: Night
  • 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples
  • 143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight
  • 142: McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
  • 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White chocolate
  • 140: Mac or PC: PC, herp a derp.
  • 139: Flip flops or high heals: Neither, I hate them both.
  • 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: The first one, I CAN BUY A NEW FACE.
  • 137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
  • 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
  • 135: Buried or cremated: Buried. Preferably without a coffin.
  • 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing
  • 133: Coach or Chanel: wat.
  • 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: WHO?
  • 131: Small town or Big city: Big city.
  • 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart. WE DON'T HAVE ANY TARGETS UP HERE.
  • 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Neither
  • 128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk, manicure. Pedicures seem useless to me.
  • 127: East Coast or West Coast: West coast
  • 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: They're almost the same thing (December 13th). Christmas, I guess, because at least I get presents for Christmas.
  • 125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate. If you bring me a dying plant for Valentine's Day, you obviously don't know me very well. DON'T PICK FLOWERS, IT'S SAD.
  • 123: Yankees or Red Sox: I'm Canadian, ffs.
  • [ Here's What I Think About ]
  • 122: War: Unnecessary and uncivilized.
  • 121: George Bush: He ruined his country and now everyone hates Obama because of it.
  • 120: Gay Marriage: Equal rights for everyone, period. Your religion should not be able to determine how someone else is allowed to live their life.
  • 119: The presidential election: I don't know.. it was.. cool, I guess..
  • 118: Abortion: Pro-choice.
  • 117: MySpace: Worst thing ever.
  • 116: Reality TV: Generally don't like it, though I do watch Big Brother.
  • 115: Parents: Like, my parents? My dad is pretty much the coolest thing ever. Just saying.
  • 114: Back stabbers: Everyone does it. I don't think I have a right to get all uppity about it.
  • 113: Ebay: So great.
  • 112: Facebook: Is useful.
  • 111: Work: Jealous of people who can work.
  • 110: My Neighbors: I don't know them at all.
  • 109: Gas Prices: Outrageous.
  • 108: Designer Clothes: y u so expensive?
  • 107: College: Terrifying, but also mandatory.
  • 106: Sports: Boring, unless they're winter sports.
  • 105: My family: My immediate family is cool. My dad's family is cool. One aunt, my cousins, and my grandmother are cool. The rest f them are completely douchebags.
  • 104: The future: Scares the fuck out of me.
  • [ Last time I ]
  • 103: Hugged someone: Uh.. oh. My brother's new girlfriend, the day before yesterday.
  • 102: Last time you ate: ~20 hours ago?
  • 101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Probably two weeks ago? My friend Christian disappeared after Halloween and wasn't answering any of my texts, and he's been very vague about where he was that whole time..
  • 100: Cried in front of someone: Long time ago.
  • 99: Went to a movie theater: Last Thursday.
  • 98: Took a vacation: Like, ten years ago.
  • 97: Swam in a pool: Several years ago.
  • 96: Changed a diaper: Fucking never, and I never will.
  • 95: Got my nails done: Never
  • 94: Went to a wedding: N/A
  • 93: Broke a bone: N/A
  • 92: Got a peircing: Uhhh.. like, five or six years ago, maybe?
  • 91: Broke the law: Not sure.
  • 90: Texted: Monday
  • [ MISC ]
  • 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Everyone. I laugh easily.
  • 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Having to go through an entire day and not do anything because my dad does everything for me (making meals, forcing me to take my medication, etc.).
  • 87: The last movie I saw: Anna Karenina
  • 86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: My dad coming home with my pills soon so I can study.
  • 85: The thing I'm not looking forward to: I have a test in nine hours.
  • 84: People call me: my name..
  • 83: The most difficult thing to do is: NOT panic.
  • 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never.
  • 81: My zodiac sign is: Sagittarius, but I think I'm more like my Moon sign (Cancer).
  • 80: The first person I talked to today was: Brandon
  • 79: First time you had a crush: Ever? First grade. Legitimate crush? Seventh grade.
  • 78: The one person who I can't hide things from: Brandon. He always knows. get your pisces power out of my brain plz.
  • 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday, Brandon. I TOLD YOU, PISCES POWER. He does this shit every day. I was thinking about The Walking Dead and he was like, "Do you watch The Walking Dead?". And then I was thinking about Family Guy and he was like "HEY REMEMBER THAT SCENE IN FAMILY GUY?".
  • 76: Right now I am talking to: one.. I'm typing..
  • 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Something in the health care industry. Well.. I was going to be a doctor, but recently I realized that I'm dumb, so I'm probably just going to go into zoology.
  • 74: I have/will get a job: ..When I can feel confident that I will be able to handle it without having to rely on disability, I guess.
  • 73: Tomorrow: I will sleep a lot, knowing that I won't have to worry about school for at least another four days. OH WAIT IT'S MARCH BREAK SOON, FUCK YEAH.
  • 72: Today: I need to devote at least half the day to worrying (and the other half to studying). Preferably both at the same time.
  • 71: Next Summer: Will be terrible. My oldest two rats will probably die this summer.
  • 70: Next Weekend: Let's take it one day at a time, LiveJournal quiz.
  • 69: I have these pets: ..three rats. One ferret.
  • 68: The worst sound in the world: This question is a bit difficult for me. I have misophonia, so there are a whole host of sounds that trigger me.
  • 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Brandon, my rats, and my dad.
  • 66: People that make you happy: Everyone? idk. What a vague question.
  • 65: Last time I cried: Last.. Sunday?
  • 64: My friends are: Few, but awesome.
  • 63: My computer is: PURPLE! YAY! (Obviously the most important qualifier when buying a computer.)
  • 62: My School: a night school.
  • 60: I lose all respect for people who: Don't believe in equal rights for everybody, deny their own privilege, love to bitch about their problems but refuse to solve them, abuse/neglect animals, will not accept the possibility that they are wrong about anything, lie for no reason, AND! ..people who try to tell other people that their experiences are wrong/stupid/silly/incorrect (i.e. rape, mental illness).
  • 59: The movie I cried at was: Titanic. stfu.
  • 58: Your hair color is: Brown
  • 57: TV shows you watch: Too many to name. My TV is almost perpetually on National Geographic or Discovery, though.
  • 56: Favorite web site: WIKIPEDIA.
  • 55: Your dream vacation: DISNEY WORLD
  • 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Physically? I'm prone to migraine headaches, so that.
  • 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Non-existent. I'm vegetarian.
  • 52: My room is: Similar to a teenager's.
  • 51: My favorite celebrity is: I dunno.
  • 50: Where would you like to be: Getting my Master's degree in something, but I can't go back.
  • 49: Do you want children: No
  • 48: Ever been in love: Yes
  • 47: Who's your best friend: I swear to God I've answered this question..
  • 46: More guy friends or girl friends: Guy friends. Just.. idk, I have a masculine personality, I guess.
  • 45: One thing that makes you feel great is:
  • 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My dad, bringing my pills.
  • 43: Do you have a 5 year plan:
  • 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No
  • 41: Have you pre-named your children: No
  • 40: Last person I got mad at: Myself.
  • 39: I would like to move to: Nowhere. I love Canada.
  • 38: I wish I was a professional: ..animal.. cuddler.
  • [ My Favorites ]
  • 37: Candy: Anything gummy and fruity.
  • 36: Vehicle: I don't know..
  • 34: State visited: ^
  • 33: Cellphone provider: idk. Bell, I guess.
  • 32: Athlete: Do not care about sports.
  • 31: Actor: Uh.. I don't know. Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp are good actors. Well, were good actors.
  • 30: Actress: Keira Knightly?
  • 29: Singer: I don't know..
  • 28: Band: Alice in Chains
  • 27: Clothing store: Winners?
  • 26: Grocery store: THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE?
  • 25: TV show: Mystery Diagnosis. stfu.
  • 24: Movie: Literally just too many to name.
  • 23: Website: Facebook, Tumblr, Wikipedia, YouTube, and Neopets are the ones I use the most. stfu.
  • 22: Animal: Elephants, dolphins, squirrels, and rats.
  • 21: Theme park: I've never been to one..
  • 20: Holiday: EASTER. I force my dad to hide Easter eggs every single year, despite the fact that his youngest child is 21 years old. I always kick Michael's ass at it, but he doesn't know that I cheat every year. I'll tell him on my death bed one day.
  • 19: Sport to watch: Winter sports only (hockey, skiing, snowboarding, ice skating).
  • 18: Sport to play: Skiing/snowboarding, skating, tennis.
  • 17: Magazine: Revolver and Hammer
  • 16: Book: White Oleander, Watership Down, The Hobbit, The Neverending Story.
  • 15: Day of the week: Friday
  • 14: Beach: Calabogie
  • 13: Concert attended: Never been.
  • 12: Thing to cook: lololol, cooking. Yeah, I don't cook.
  • 11: Food: Fruits, vegetables, cheese and cracks, yogurt. Despite this healthy-looking diet, however, I am still fat.
  • 10: Restaurant: I dunno, they're all the same.
  • 9: Radio station: None. Ottawa has terrible radio stations. There's one for new music, and there are like 1357 of them for classic rock. ffs.
  • 8: Yankee candle scent: WHAT?
  • 7: Perfume: I hate perfume, it gives me a migraine. I wear essential oils instead.
  • 6: Flower: Lilacs
  • 5: Color: Fuchsia, purple, and green.
  • 4: Talk show host: I don't.. watch.. talk shows..
  • 3: Comedian: Seth MacFarlane
  • 2: Dog breed: Rottweilers
  • 1: Did you answer all these truthfully?: ..yes. Holy fuck, this quiz took a long time.

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