Feb 05, 2011 13:06
Seth Chambers (private) hi
Hollyocaust (private) hi, random stranger
Dante.: who cares about the vagina.
Dante.: it's all about the ass.
Dante.: i gave a rimjob to a dude the other day
Hollyocaust eggROLLS - 15-02-2005, 18:30 - From what i heard, the A-spot is a little further back from the G-spot and is responsible mostly for multiple orgasms. Like after having a clitoral one and one from the G-spot, then you could have another from the G-spot while using the A-spot or something i'm guessing. I really don't know, i just read in a magazine somewhere where it was and that it helped in Multiple orgasms.
Seth Chambers (private) how are you.
Hollyocaust (private) alright, i guess. you?
Don: Eggrolls is a pretty credible source.
Hollyocaust i don't understand how you can actually sit there and say there is no such thing as the g-spot, and then turn around and tell me that i'm dumb for believing that they have found another erogenous zone called the a-spot.
Don: Alright Holly, gg.
Hollyocaust according to this, apparently there is also a u-spot?
Dante.: u-spot LOL
Aimerz Aeta Korvein: further back
Aimerz Aeta Korvein: lmao
Dante.: there's the whole alphabet
Derek Williams: Why not just go through this shit alphabetically?
Hollyocaust In addition to the vaginal passage and its surrounding labia, the female genitals also boast four sexual 'Hot Spots'. These are small zones of heightened erotic sensitivity, the stimulation of which during the mating act helps to bring the female nearer to an orgasmic condition. They are: the Clitoris, the U-spot, the G-spot, and the A-spot. The first two are outside the vagina, the second two inside it:
Seth Chambers (private) I been better
Hollyocaust The A-Spot, AFE-zone or Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone. Also referred to as the Epicentre, this is a patch of sensitive tissue at the inner end of the vaginal tube between the cervix and the bladder, described technically as the 'female degenerated prostate'. (In other words, it is the female equivalent of the male prostate, just as the clitoris is the female equivalent of the male penis.) Direct stimulation of this spot can produce violent orgasmic contractions. Unlike the clitori
Hollyocaust Its existence was reported by a Malaysian physician in Kuala Lumpur as recently as the 1990s. There has been some mis-reporting about it, and its precise position has been incorrectly described by several writers. Its true location is just above the cervix, at the innermost point of the vagina. The cervix of the uterus is the narrow part that protrudes slightly into the vagina, leaving a circular recess around itself. The front part of this recess is called the anterior fornix. Pressure on it pr
Seth Chambers (private) you must not get it alot
Hollyocaust (private) get what?
Seth Chambers (private) laid. because your talking about orgasms way to much
Hollyocaust (private) i do, actually. regularly, from my boyfriend.
Seth Chambers (private) oh guess you told me
Seth Chambers (private) doesn't really care tho.
Seth Chambers left the room. (Going to A Clearing in the Woods)
Hollyocaust ..wow.
internet boys,