Old Aperture
Solve": Cave and the engineers have a testing problem. Cave's young secretary helps them out. Oneshot, rated K+
Father's Day": It's Father's Day, and Caroline's having inappropriate thoughts about her boss. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
"A Professional Relationship": Cave and Caroline spend a late night in the office and resolve the Unresolved Sexual Tension between them. A first-time fic. Caveline, rated M, TBC
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Epilogue: Coming Soon
Yes Sir": Cave sneaks off with his secretary for some alone time at work. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
A Private Meeting": Caroline has work to do, but Cave would rather play. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Sweet As Cake": It's Cave's birthday. Caroline decides to surprise him. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Sweet-Talk": Cave is away on a business trip, and Caroline gets lonely. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Haze": One of the lab boys invents an aerosol glue. It's not a very good adhesive, but it's a great aphrodisiac. My very first kink meme fill -- have mercy. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Taste Test": Cave and Caroline experiment with edible underwear, and I experiment with dialogue. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Smack": Caroline gets a spanking. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
His Little Girl": Caroline's childhood memories, and a schoolgirl outfit. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
"Severance": Caroline gets fed up with being Cave's subordinate -- so she quits her job. Caveline, rated strong T, TBC
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Epilogue: Coming Soon
Adventure": Human!Rick hits on Caroline, and Cave gets jealous. Oneshot, Caveline, rated a mild T
Antivenin": Caroline has an accident in the lab. Oneshot, Caveline, rated K+
Friendly Fire": Saxton Hale visits Aperture. Oneshot, Portal/TF2 crossover, rated T
A Valentine Surprise": Caroline lets her domme side out on Valentine's Day.
"Playing Dress-Up": When Cave tries on a skirt, Caroline discovers a crossdressing fetish. Caveline, rated M
Part One Part Two "
Slippery When Wet": Cave and Caroline perfect the Propulsion Gel, and celebrate. Oneshot, Caveline, rated M
Curiosity And The Cat": A fluffy piece featuring human!Curiosity, human!Reassembly Machine (an OC borrowed from MuriraRK/did-you-reboot), and a kitten. Oneshot, rated K
"Your World Is Ending": A series of short oneshots set in the mid-80s, focusing on Aperture's decline and Cave's illness. Caveline, rated T
One Two Three Four Post-Game
"Defrosting": GLaDOS revives Cave Johnson from stasis. They begin an unusual relationship. CaveDOS, Caveline, rated strong T for sexual references
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Epilogue "
Sleeping Arrangements": Cave can't get to sleep. A short CaveDOS piece that fits somewhere within the first few chapters of "Defrosting." Oneshot, CaveDOS, rated K
Dancing Is Not Science": Post-"Defrosting". Cave and his girl haven't danced in a long time. Oneshot, CaveDOS, rated K
Explosion Day": Rick brags to the other cores about how he saved the Enrichment Center. Oneshot, rated K+
"A Falling Star": Wheatley and Space fall out of orbit. Because even the moron deserves a happy ending. Rated K, TBC
Part One Part Two Part Three: Coming Soon
Alternate Universe
Dating Principals": Miss Caroline, science teacher at Aperture High, is nervous about having dinner with Principal Johnson. She goes to a friend for advice. Oneshot, AU, Caveline, rated K
"The Portal Bride": A Classic Tale of True Love, High Adventure, and Science. AU, Portal/TF2/Princess Bride crossover, rated T, TBC
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four: Coming Soon
Prompted Drabbles
A Dream Come True": "Caveline, cute daydreams."
False Alarm": "Caveline. Pregnancy scare."
"Motherhood"/"Fatherhood": A pair of prompted drabbles about parenting and test babies.
Science Fair": "AU where Caveline produces an offspring and they have to help her with her science fair project."
Three-Sentence Drabbles: A collection of prompted drabbles, various subjects, three sentences each.
Fic or Treat Drabbles: A collection of prompted drabbles, various subjects, prompted for Halloween.
Kink Meme Misfire Fills
Deathwish": Caroline takes care of a smartass employee. Oneshot, rated T
Bug-Men": The lab boys discover an unusual fic. Oneshot, Caveline, rated mild T
Tell Me The Ending": GLaDOS tries to get information, but the Oracle Turret is cryptic as always. Oneshot, rated K+