Nov 09, 2004 16:14
So this morning right after I get out of class, I notice I have a voicemail. It's from Greg, my boss. I can tell he's pissed, so I call him back. Well I get totally reamed out because 1.) This one girl wasnt at work last night. Well we fucking called her, she said she was coming, we called her again, she said she was coming and she didnt show up. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I cant go to her house hog-tie her and force her to come to work. 2.) Apparently Greg's sister came the other day and dropped off a box of daily production sheets. He told me about 2 or 3 weeks ago that he wanted us to fill these things out and he would get them to us when they were ready. Well, she dropped them off in a staples copy box. She put them on the desk with all the other staples copy boxes so of course I didnt notice them. I get bitched out for that. "What do you mean you didnt fucking see them?" Well when the god damned things are on a desk PILED up the fucking ceiling with shit and the box they are in matches every other box on the desk. So, how the fuck am I supposed to notice them. A call saying they were there would have been nice. Ok enough of that rant.
Lets see what else. Ummm school sucks. I scheduled for next semester. I have six more classes to take, and (YAY) I got them all! I cant believe I'm that close to being done with school. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do when I have to enter the real world.
Dave's birthday is tomorrow. He's going to be 21. Julie's is on the 15th and she'll also be 21. After that I think all of my friends are of age. God I'm getting old. Oh well. That's all for now.