Nov 18, 2005 14:29
Okay, so I applied to an RP that shall remain nameless. This RP advertises itself as a crack-based, no-rules RP, specifically aimed at mocking mary-sues and other badly written fanfic. So in the application, it asked for a sample post. The tone of my post was slightly sadistic with an obvious sarcastic mockery of a certain cliche found in most fanfics that contain the character I was applying for. The application was rejected. But that's not why I'm pissed...
I'm pissed because of the reasons listed on the rejection email, and how contrary it was to the adveritsement of the RP. So you see something that advertises itself as NO RULES... You'd assume a little sadistic sarcasm would be perfectly acceptable. The first thing the mods rejected was the sadistic content of the sample post, stating that it was beyond the scope of the character......
Wait, isn't this supposed to be a CRACK RP??? I didn't think staying really close to the character was something that mattered all that much.
The next reason they gave me was that it was a little cliche...
SARCASM ANYONE?! I was MAKING FUN of the cliche. Perhaps it wasn't obvious enough... *coughBULLSHITcough*
The final reason that was supplied was that it was "a little short on funny". I shit you not, that was the actual text in the message. Not only are they oblivious to sarcasm, they also have HORRIBLE grammar. I don't mind the fact that they didn't find it that funny, because sense of humor is different from person to person. But if you're going to tell me why you're rejecting me, have the decency to use properly constructed sentences...
I also scouted out the RP-ing now that it's started up, and I'm actually GLAD I got rejected. Is crack SUPPOSED to be nothing but ALLCAPS, poorly constructed posts and random mild sexual references? Because I was under the impression that it was a nice mix of intelligent humor, sarcasm, satire, randomness, and yeah, even some sex jokes. But the trademark of good crack, in my opinion, is how it's WELL-WRITTEN and ENTERTAINING.
But I could be wrong.