Mar 20, 2012 21:06
I've never identified as female and threw tantrums over having to wear pink/a dress ever since second grade. All my crushes/stronger "love"s have been female-and I've been bullied for it in middle school. But I think of myself as straight. The people at my new school have been pretty accepting (some started to avoid me subtly, though).
I have hormonal problems and haven't grown much in forever (plus I was the smallest in my class in every class since preschool). I'm 16 now, but was still around 140cm (4'7"?) when I measured my height last year. This is one of my bigger complexes, and regardless of what I feel in the inside, I know that I'll probably never be able to pass.
I was born in L.A. California but I moved to Japan to redo high school (my parent's visas expired). I had the misfortune of my teachers introducing me to the class by my given name (I go by Kai) and it stuck. I don't know how to change my name back... I read through a few pages of this comm, but all the name change topics are about the legal aspect- not the social one.
I'm so confused about my identity right now.
Also I have a question about binding- I'm a B cup and 70 cm but I'm working out right now- I should decide on a size afterwards, right? Since my measurements could change afterwards?
And, how much would binding affect my breathing? I'm in the school choir, I don't want to restrict my breathing too much.
binders-choosing one,
voice and singing,
coming out and disclosing,