Lump under nipple POST-chest surgery

Dec 02, 2011 23:04

Hey folks,

Has anyone had any problems with lumps under their chests POST-surgery?


I had peri surgery with Dr. Fischer back in the summer of 2007. In the winter of 2009 I went back for a minor revision on my right nipple. However at the time of the revision, I'd been off testosterone for 3 months, after taking testosterone for 3 years. Since around the time of the revision and stopping testosterone, I've noticed a hard painful lump under my right nipple, just a bit smaller than the radius of my areola. While I wasn't super concerned at the time, I did mention it to a doctor. They also weren't concerned and just said to keep an eye on it. We were assuming it was either scar tissue from the two surgeries, nerve healing pain, hormonal changes as my body adjusted to my natural estrogen levels etc. I also had a progesterone intra uterine device (IUD)inserted last year, which may also be factoring into what I'm feeling.

It's now been almost 2 years since my chest revision/since I stopped T. The pain from the lump will vary now and then from not very painful to too painful to touch. Since August the pain has been very strong and hasn't wavered. For a long time I was convincing myself that this pain was due to hormonal fluctuations around the time my body would be having periods, were I not preventing them with my IUD. But the pain has been so constant since August, that I couldn't help but notice it not going away.

I went to the doctor again last week for a breast exam. They could feel the lump easily enough but had no idea what it was, so they sent me off to get an ultra sound done for further investigation. I had the ultra sound today, and as I had suspected, it didn't result in any answers. So now I'm scheduled for a mammogram. While I think the last thing it could be is cancer, I really don't like that it hasn't yet been ruled out as a possibility. I don't want to accept an "I don't know" from every doctor and then go on ignoring it in case it could be something more serious.


If anyone else has had a lump under their chest post-surgery, whether it be painful or not, would you mind sharing your experience? Did you find out what it was that was causing it? How did you find out/what tests were done to determine the diagnosis/cause? What were your options for treatment? Have you heard of anything similar happening to anyone else, or know of any links/resources for people that have?


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