(no subject)

Sep 15, 2011 17:41

Hey, Danny here.
So it's homecoming week, today was 'Dress to Impress' so I wore a suit and everything. So as immgoing out the door my mom says:
"Don't be going crazy with this boy thing, you could get in trouble."
Great. Now first of all I'm pissed because she is all like 'it's a phase' whatever, then I'm confused as to how I could get into trouble. Then she says.
"We have to talk about this." in this condesending rude tone that makes me even more angry and makes me feel foolish.
Now don't get me wrong she's a great mom and she tries and I love her.
But she does crap like this. I'll tell her something privat or important or emotional and shell exploit it. Usually when she is angry but I'm not sure that's a good enough excuse. I told her I wanted to be a boy and guess what a couple days later she uses that.
We were at my brothers foot ball practice and there is this foot ball out there, and so we were going to toss it around I was going to to but then my mom says:
"Come on it's a BOY sport."
Maybe I'm being over sensitive or maybe it's because she pulls crap like this all the time but it pissed me off. So I didn't go out and play.
But she does that, she takes what I've told her and she'll twist if to suit her needs or she'll take it out of context or she'll make me feel foolish and stupid about it. Then I'll end up stepping away fro
Whatever it is.
Or if I try to bring it up or be subtle about it she scoffs and says "whatever" which is usuallyfollowed by an eye roll or making me look like a fool to my siblings.
I know I'm making her look like a bad guy but seriously why does she have to act like that, I mean she's my mom and we love eachother but she just goes and does things like that and then makes herself look all innocent about it.
I know it's hard on her, does she not think it's hard on me to!
I've been her 'little girl' for 16 years now, I'm tired of playing.
I sent her a link to a site and she doesn't even read through it she skims then is upset about how I sent it to her. She doesn't even know what the thing was really about!
Since I've decided to try and come out I've been happier. I can actually see myself having a future. Before I didn't plan on living past college and college was just to make my mom happy. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! this is MY life I'm tired of living it to please others.
Since I've begun this I've been less depressed I've stopped doing things I should be, self harming, thinking of ways to end this all. Like I said I can Actually see a FUTURE, I've never done that before.
But this is ridiculous.
I'm sure some of you have been though something similar, had people like this in your life even if it wasn't over the same things.
I'm sorry about the rant I just had to get that out there, but I'm on edge here, I can't take this any longer, I'm going to snap unless I can somehow make her understand and listen to me.
-Danny out.
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