May 19, 2010 20:21
What's up guys?
I'm hoping that you can offer some insight on what my issue might be,or that maybe someone had had a similar issue. I went to my 3 month check up with my Endo last week and my labs showed some less than okay results. My last check up was right before my top surgery in Feb and the only thing wrong then was that my T was too high and was converting to Estrogen.
So, last week the issue was that - my Potassium was low. The T was in the 700 range and my estrogen level was still a bit high, but had decreased quite a bit from the last visit. The Dr is really concerned abt the low potassium.
Some background - I've had high blood pressure since I was 16 and have been on meds almost as long. One med is Tenoretic (a diuretic) and the other is Lisinopril (which is supposed to do something to prevent my potassium from dropping due to the diuretic. Since I've been on T, my blood pressure has been lower than it ever was which is a good thing :).
My Dr thinks that maybe the Tenoretic was too high a dose, and that I may not have needed such a high dose anymore due to the changes of T, and that I was sort of overdosing on that one which prevented the Lisinopril from doing it's job- causing the Potassium to drop.
So he thought that if I cut the first med in half, my low potassium issue would resolve itself.
Since last Tuesday, I have taken 1/2 my usual dose and felt okay the first few days. BP was pretty normal until Monday. I had a few drinks the night before (which I have always been able to do on my regular dose) and all day Monday I felt shaky and like my heart was racing. I got home, took my BP and sure enough it was 140/98 HIGH. So I figured it might be the alcohol and decided if it happened again without having had alcohol, I needed my full dose.
I felt great the next day on the 1/2 dose, but went out with a friend and had 2 beers. Again, I became shaky and my heart was racing. Again, I took my pressure and it was high. 140/87
I'm seeing a pattern with HBP and alcohol, and I've decided that I'm not going to drink anymore.
Yesterday, my employer did a free biometric screening for the employees. My results after fasting were terrible.
Total Cholesterol - 175 mg/dL (less than 200 is good so this is okay)
HDL Cholesterol - 19 mg/dL (Ideal is 40 mg.dL for males/ 50 mg dL for females) either one I look at I am way LOW (the tech was most concerned about this number)
TC/HDL Ratio - 9.0 (Ideal is 4.0 or less) I'm way HIGH here
LDL Cholesterol - 116 mg/dL (Ideal is less than 100 mg/dL) again HIGH
Triglycerides - 200 mg/dL - (Ideal is less than 150 mg/dL) again I'm HIGH
Glucose - 92 mg/dL - (Ideal is less than 100 mg/dL) this is Good
BP is 124/80 mmHg - (Ideal is 120/80 mmHg) This was considered good enough and shows that the 1/2 dose is doing the job
Body fat Percent 25.8 (got some work to do
BMI - 27.6% I'm 5'9 and weigh 187.
Does anyone know what would cause all of these numbers to be so far off? I know that all of these results aren't usually on regular FTM labwork to test T levels, but I'm pretty damn concerned.
I appreciate any and all feedback, public and PM.
Thanks guys,