May 29, 2008 15:58
Hey guys, I ran the idea of running a credit counselling clinic at the conference by people here a while back and there was some interest. I am doing it, though I don't know the exact location within the conference area. I assume they'll tell me when I check in and I'll have some kind of sign and possibly a sign-up sheet. For those of you who are going, if you have specific questions that I may be able to help you with, feel free to bring a copy of your credit report with you. This is by no means a requirement, but it may be helpful to you to sit down and look at what is actually on there if your credit report is unfamiliar to you. It's always better than guessing at what may or may not be on there.
Credit reports may be obtained from (free), or (charges apply), and several other sites. You will need to provide them with some information to prove you are you. Keep in mind that there are 3 credit reporting agencies (Transunion, Experian, and Equifax) and obtaining a report which includes all 3 is more thorough than using just one. Any of the sites should be able to provide/sell you all three reports.
For what it's worth, I am not a professional credit counsellor, but I worked for nearly 3 years as a bill collector during which time I learned a lot about the collections and credit industries and viewed thousands of credit reports. I also own my own home and car and have utilized my own credit quite a bit, and am providing this service for free for as much time is wanted while at the conference.