Nov 30, 2013 10:45
So older son has not told his daughter who is almost 14, that her grandma is transgender and do you know why? Because he associates that with pedophilia and swinging... this is a man who is over age 50 and has a PhD. That's a little frightening. I am no longer naïve enough to only see the good in people... which hey, used to get me in all kinds of trouble! But I was a better Mom than mine and I loved her anyhow plus understand how people are parents/themselves/their roles in whatever, and DUE to whatever, is going on in their timeframe. War, recession, depression, drugs, etc. This whole thing, people are 'human and fallible' apparently because A. evolution isn't through with us yet and/or B. God wills it... I dunno - but anyhow this boils down to not cussing people out who cut us off accidentally in traffic or whatever. You see what you look for - people are out to get you? Yeah, you'll see that. Someone said something hurtful once? Or did something mean? Damn LJ. Eats most f the letters.That is not the whole person