Is LJ still as screwed up as my family?

Nov 28, 2013 17:14

In yet another but hopefully more tactful way of saying I love you and want you in my life to my kids, I got a reply from Amy in which she says I can text her as long as I never say anything bad about the people she loves, including her siblings and father. Does she think I still waste my time thinking about my ex for any reason? I wish nobody on this planet evil (well maybe a few other drivers LOL). Not really. I don't think I'll take her up on it. If people are (still) looking for reasons to hate on someone, they will find what they are looking for. We see what we expect to see. Sorry, kid, I'm not interested in tiptoeing through the minefields of the past. Somehow the role of evil parent got glued onto me well so be it; if that's what they need to be successes and happy, what else does a parent want for their kids? Oh respect, hmmm. Well I have Archie for that - and a few strays rejected by their own biological parents.

One ofth songson my cd in ycar (fucking LJ) is 'Dear lord, please dont let me be misunderstood.'
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