Oct 28, 2004 06:26
First off.......amazing World Series! I have never been a real fan but I am a baseball history fanatic (I have been to the baseball hall of fame, it was like my mecca) So I am so happy for Giselle right now. But I can't help but think of two things......the massive number of deaths that Boston will have in the next week or so of 90 year olds who were waiting for them to win JUST ONE, and the number of New Englanders who will wake up today and be like...."uh, what do we do now?". Anyway, good for them :-)
Not much has been going on lately. I have been working hard, and busting my ass to pay off my oooold credit cards. Thats old as in, I got them in my first semester at FSU, in 1999. Soon I I will be finished, and then I can quit the private lessons. Yay!
Nate and I are having lots of fun. He just got a job (Office Depot....he just wanted part time with no responsibility, and he got it!) so yay! Any money he makes is going into our moving fund. (as in, getting the hell out of Florida in July fund) He is doing his classes online still, and still hates them, but is doing good anyway.
School is sucking hugetime right now. Most of you lucky bastards will never know the sheer volume of BS teachers have to deal with. You would not believe the amount of terrible parents we work with. The kind that keep cranking out new ones when their older ones have no discipline, parenting, breakfast, or love. The ones who don't give a crap about their kid's education or what they are going to do with themselves when they are older. It is really pissing me off. But really, its the school system that is pussifying these kids...there have always been bad parents but now there is hardly a way around being a bad school. For instance, our new 6th grade AP told a 6th grade social studies teacher that he could not dock the kids points for not doing homework. Oh yea, that and telling all the 6th grade teachers that if they had more than 10% failure rate, THEY were doing something wrong (aside from the fact that the kids will come in and put their head down on their desk and not work) and must change their methods. Fuck Um. I weep for the future, and no longer feel as if I can make a difference in these kids' lives. I am trying, I am mentoring two school hoodlums (one a foster kid who is so sweet, but refuses to work) and one a 3rd year 8th grader who pretty much rules the school. I am giving them drum lessons during my planning period 2-3 times a week. Hopefully that will help THEM, if I can't do anything about my other classes.
Anyway, Nates buddies are going to visit in January, and Stephanie and I are going to take a weekend trip to Miami to visit my sister Amy. Should be fun, gotta start saving up!
Oh yea and I am going to meet Nate's mom for the first time in 2 weeks, around his birthday. NERVOUS. I have only ever met his brother Logan. Anyway...
MY SISTER IS HAVING A BOY!!! I am glad, maybe now she will stop? They moved in with his mom, cuz they couldnt afford their apt. anymore (prime time to plan a pregnancy). His name will be Jacob Edward and he should be coming, oh, right around MARCH 3 (might I add that Jennas birthday was 3/3/03...Jerry is 3/3/1971, and this baby will make 3/3/05)TOO MUCH fertility in my family lately, my sister, aunt Missy, and aunt Shannon (missy had a baby, Lindsey, a month ago, and Lindsey was her first child, at 43)so my mom sent me a huge load of Yasmin. Yay mom and yay drug reps who give her free shit.
Ok well I gotta go hit the gym, I have been doing really well lately, even lifting weights like I hate. You guys have a great Thursday (and Melanie, I have my fingers crossed for you :-) )