This morning, I fell on some stairs trying to get out of the subway and scraped up my hand. That takes talent.
I purchased Veronica Mars season 2 with a gift card last week and watched the first disk last night. Nothing monumental, since I think I've seen almost every episode twice already, but I have a few observations regarding Duncan and deleted scenes
. I thought it was interesting that most of the deleted scenes involved Duncan doing cute things, and on the occasions when Teddy Dunn's acting is less wooden, you can see why Veronica likes Duncan. The LoVe shippers, and most of the viewing public for that matter, spent a lot of season 2 wondering why Veronica and Duncan were together, and I think it was because of these moments that don't really further the plot but are cute nonetheless, so it's interesting that they were cut. Plus he was her first love and all that. I find their relationship more believable now (but I'm still all about the LoVe).
Another thing: In the beginning of season 2, Duncan and Veronica are all huggy and hand-holdy which is an interesting contrast to the beginning of season 3 when Veronica and Logan mostly bicker and fight and are resentful.
Also re: The Dating Goal. I'll clarify that it's not a self-esteem thing. I do think I have a lot to offer. I've dated casually and seriously in the past, so it's not like it's foreign to me. And I'm not shy as such. I think it's a combo of the fact that I haven't dated in a while and a general anxiety about relationships. But it's funny what exploring your feelings on these matters will dredge up.
I think I'm also going to try to track all the books I read this year, since I'm about to finish the first of 2007. Here or on the regular blog, or in both places, I haven't decided. Someone in my old book club told me his favorite part of my blog was the book reviewing, so it's worth revisiting. Hmm.
And plans are getting spoiled! I cancelled something I had planned to do this weekend in favor of hibernating, but I keep getting invited to other things, so I guess the presence of my company is in high demand! Not that I mind. Also, my parents made a point of asking me when I'd be available to have dinner with my stepmother's uncle, and I said, "The only weekend I'm definitely not available is the first weekend in February." So when did they schedule the dinner? The first Saturday in February. Argh. I wrote a kind of hostile email back, then toned down the language, but really, why even bother to ask me if you're going to do what you want anyway?