Jul 10, 2006 03:26
I am back in the D.C. area. I was in Florida for almost two months.
I was only supposed to be there for 1.
I went down to work on a commercial for a real estate developer.
I will not bore history with the trival story of the ineptitude I will simply say that;
Tummy the Gummy (ad exec) is a detriment to the profession.
That being said, I am back and now I need to figure out my new digs.
I need to do the little bit of work that is waiting for me and get some change in my pocket while I find the next big project.
Everything I need and want to do is going to cost some money, so it's time to build up again.
I need to figure out where I am going to live. I have a writing project that could pay off very well.
I have a new relationship to forge.
I have alot to design in my life but it should be interesting.