
Feb 18, 2010 22:25

Since it was the Austin office to which I filed my 2009 return, and since it was long enough ago that I sent it there, I went to the IRS official website just now to check on its status.

The Good News: my refund will go out in about two weeks. And get to me well before my planned vacation.

The Bad News: the IRS "recalculated" my refund, so instead of being enough to fund my whole trip, it'll be enough to get me a new pair of walking shoes and maybe a meal at Fat Boys in Brooksville. So I'm going to have to pare back my itinerary a leetle. But I'm not worried.

PS: I've noticed, via Hernando Today, that Fat Boys was eventually replaced by the new-and-completely-different Woodside Inn. I wonder if the Coney Island Hot Dog Stand is still around.

PPS: Coney Island Drive-In is still there. Elvis ate there. A scene from a zombie movie was filmed there. We must include it in the March Maraud.

money, vacation, food, florida, travel, tax, shoes, elvis, texas

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