Curse Of The Golden Flower

Jan 20, 2010 21:32

I don't usually write movie reviews here, but this was a target of opportunity. Saw it at a store I only visit every so often and realized that if I didn't buy it, it would drive me crazy. You see, a blue moon or two ago, nick_101 asked me what my favorite ninja movie was, and I had to reply "I'd have to see Curse Of The Golden Flower first." And so, I have.

This film is a sort of parallel to Kurosawa's Ran and his Throne Of Blood in that you have an epic story of royal intrigue. But unlike those Shakespearean-based movies, this one has a plot that I'm not sure the Bard could have contrived.

Like Ran, you have a king and his three sons. However in Curse, the Empress is the Emperor's second mate, so the Crown Prince (Wan) is a product of the first marriage and the others (Jai and Wu) are the sons of the Empress. As the story begins, Jai is returning to the capital after a stint as the royal champion on the frontiers, and the royal house is buzzing in anticipation of the upcoming festival...which happens to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the previous queen's demise.

By the time the festival comes, assassins strike, poison is poured, weapons are bared--and the truth throws old enemies together and thrusts lovers apart as well.

And the ninjas? There's a lot of them, but more isn't necessarily better. Some of these fights you'd have to see over and over again to get everything that's happening. By the way, the battle scenes are Peter Jackson-scale by the end. The stunts are incredible. But at the same time, does it really top Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? I'm not sure myself.

I guess I have an excuse to watch Crouching Tiger again, and seek out more ninja movies.

movies, dvd, china, machismo, ninja, history, shakespeare, film

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