
Sep 26, 2006 13:46

Yesterday I went up to Kentucky and got together with Stanley Bundy. We went to Somerset, which he hadn't seen in years and I had never been.

Yes, the road through the forest was a nice adventure...it might be a fun idea to drive a little convertable over that road someday.

But most of the time we wallowed in your usual modern corporate sprawl. We ate at a fast food place. We shopped at a mall and several strip malls (as we were hunting the elusive Dollar General anime DVDs). The parts of Somerset we saw...we could have seen in a countless other places in America.

We are urchins of the sprawl. We live in houses but the sprawl is our social habitat...our ecology. Our sin is the way we bring about the ultimate blanding of America. But what other ways are there? The sprawl eats the other ways and leaves only itself.

Show me any America that is not sprawl and I'll show you the road that the sprawl is building to get it there.


friends, dvd, kentucky, driving, travel, shopping, anime, place, urban sprawl

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