Jun 12, 2006 20:36
Today was Joe's last day of school. I picked him up around 10:30 and then we went downtown. We walked on the jetty and then went to the Pepperidge Farm store. I had never been in there. Man, Pepperidge Farm store is incredible. Geneva cookies for $1.25. I also walked around my neighborhood four times. Because I ate a lot of Geneva cookies.
Yesterday we went up north. Joey feigned sick and studious. Therefore, I had to hang out with two pre-teen Revere (ra-VEE-ah) girls, Krystal and Tiffany. Krystal just turned nine, so we brought her a birthday present. Now, I've known them since they were born, and they are terrific. They have a gymnastics mat on their deck and I half showed them how I learned how to do a summersault. I almost couldn't get up from said position. They said I was good at how "low" I got for a split. We played a game called Twister Moves! which is like Twister and Dance Dance Revolution. I beat out Krystal and I think Tiffany lied about how many times she messed up. Then we played real Twister and I beat Tiffany. So whut up. Needless to say, I was feeling very limber afterwards.
Afterwards involved going to Fuddruckers (I typed Fuddfuckers ha) to visit with our family from Pennsylvania. This is the family that sent me chocolate AND a Jesus prayer card my freshman year at college. And actually, my cousins, they're cool. Like, we would totally hang out if we lived near each other. I mean, I'd never go to their house and deal with my aunt and uncle (my family saw a van with "Praise the Lord! on it and said: That's Carol and Blair!" and then we all laughed really hard) but my cousins are basically just like me. I had a good time, surprisingly.
Tomorrow I'm taking Joe into Boston. Wednesday I'm coaching. And then it's off to the BeeGeeKey. And then Dallas. WOOO NFLS!