(no subject)

May 30, 2006 02:14

Well, it's the first day of my job today. One might ask what job that Justin Stewart, the Jobless Wonder, could procure at such a time in his life. I will tell you simply my friends: I am now a nanny.

I know whoever reads this now is snickering, laughing at me; well fuck you. Truthfully I look forward to this opportunity. I love these kids and hope this will bring about more patience on my part, along with deeper bonds with the children and money.

Oh God the money.

Anyway, Kitty did some sort of meme and was gracious enough to allow me to be a part of it so let's start that little puppy up, shall we?

I picked the name fruit_baron because I was being wacky and random. I'm afraid that's about all that's behind it, truthfully. The name was pulled forth from my ass and it was proclaimed by the Lord to be fantastic.

Since that was a lackluster explanation I'll tell you why I started this monstrosity that we call a journal. I was a person, a horrible person and I wanted to show my progress (I believe) in becoming a good one; I wanted to see if there was any progress. Obviously I'm no longer a -complete- bastard so perhaps it played a small part in my minimal success.

If I ever make a new nickname or a journal though, I frankly want to use the name "Etemenanta". It's from Babylayan and it basically means "The House that is the Border between the Heavens and the Earth"; it was a rather prominent structure in the city of Babylon, the largest structure in the city used for religious purposes obviously. I also like the idea that I can flaunt this relatively useless knowledge and seem smarter than I actually am.

Now it's time to tag folks for this, right? Well, let's go to it!

Fallon - Get to it, woman. Half your nicks are made-up shit and I know it; I want to know the story behind the made-up shit.

Rose - You know I can't resist mentioning your name at least once, right? C'mon and give me the reason for your journal name. Get to it or a spanking is for you!

Kikky - I know Phil asked you to do the same but c'mon, answer MY meme. Phil is not worth your time; I am your Alpha and Omega, woman!

Ax - I take pity on the pathetic from time-to-time and mention them in my journal. So you never-was, tell me about your nick; c'mon, it might make me laugh.

Michael - I have a pretty good idea about your nick but humor me anyway. Why exactly did you name it after that character?

Oh yeah. I might be an asshole Kitty but I love you. *thumbs up* I hope we can talk sometime. You are right, by the way; you are sickly forgiving. Thanks for that, by the way. Also the notion of you being anyone's Duke plants me into a conflicted state; I both want to shudder in abysmmal fear and laugh out of the out-right hilarity.

For the cock comment I just want you to die.
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