Mar 04, 2005 06:30
You know what annoys me? When people say that you have full, complete freedom and you are the complete master of your destiny. I mean, you can decide things but there are factors that can limit and stop you. Disease, violence, nature, humans, natural boundaries, etc. Your choices are therefore limited by all these things though you have the ability to choose out of a limited set.
If I'm being held at gun-point I can't just stand unless I want to get shot. If I'm locked in a cell then I can't certainly escape without either an outside source or some brilliance on my part. My options are therefore limited, though I have choice. We always have at least one choice we can make but to a certain degree enviroment, emotion, nature, disease, genetics, raising, and all those lovely things control us.
To say they don't is pure folly I'd say.
You know, I fucking hate gingivitis. My mouth hurts like fuck when I try to eat and it's just not a nice experience at all. Hopefully it'll be fixing soon. *rubs his jaw and sighs* Well, I'm sure as Heck going to keep my dental hygiene from this point on, yo.
Yesterday went... -much- better than the previous day. The Spanish teacher excused my absences seeing as the computers are fucked and have done the samething to people twice before. My Biology teacher apparently, somehow, LIKES me and graded my paper by HAND instead of letting the machine randomly take a tes tnumber and grade it (thus killing my grade to Hell). I made an A and apparently I remind her of her daughter.
...Nida and Rose both brought up I remind her of a woman.
My psychology teacher called me up to him when we were all leaving. He said that he taught three classes [of General Psychology] and that the analyzation paper I did was the best. I had a great analytical ability and I could write with a great bit of competence. He said that those two things would take me far. I was a squeal-happy fool, I tell y'what.
I sometimes miss the past. I miss my old friends and how much time we spent with each other. Either time or my own incompetence split us up. I still miss them though. I hope things can reform between all of us again someday and they can know how I've changed and matured.
...Of course, I wouldn't trade my newer friends for the world. *stuffs Nida into his pocket and Rose into his pants* ... *runs for the border* *grabs Val there and puts her in his hair* *then snatches Heather and rams her INTO HIS EYE*