Jan 03, 2009 13:51
A little belated, but still informative, this is a list of what my made up my break.
-1 Walmart security guard
-1 run in with a Florida Hospital security guard
-1 Orange County Sheriff
-6 OPD
-1 arrest-able offense
-3 bottles of Diet Coke
-3 ditch adventures
-8+ rolls of Mentos, mainly mint flavored
-1 Project X-mas button
-2 feather dusters
-1 package of 2 brown pillow cases
-1 pair of innocent pink gloves
-1 bag of beans
-1 bag of lentils
-1 innocent pillow
-1 "dead" pheasant
-1 pint of Dove ice cream
-3 1L bottles of water
-1 roll of tasty sushi
-1 potato
-1 set of piercing
-4 batches of cookies (1 sugar, 1 Hello-Dolly Bar, 1 Molasses Crinkles, 1 Peanut Butter Blossoms)
-1 detour gone awry
-approximately 2000 sugar cookies
-a ton of icing to go on the above mentioned cookies
-a flock of children
-1 snazzy apron
-3 improve shows
-2 surprise visits
-1 wrestling match
-1 can of snow
-1 Rosetta Stone vending machine
-1 guy walking around the airport plays the ukulele
-1 irate and colorful taxi driver
-3 failed attempts to practice drawing
-8+ plus rips to Walgreens
-1 bad teen horror film in the making
-2 games of Apples To Apples (one of which lasted 84 rounds)
-1 outing to Stake 'N Shake
-1 dance party atop the new Target parking garage
-1 thing of soft sugar cookies
-1 apartment move
-4 reunions
That's all I can think of, if any of you have anything you think should be added let me know.