Nov 24, 2007 08:37
what kind of hypocrite am i? i just fussed at asia for being lazy and not doing her school work. i fussed at her for not doing any work this past weekend. she's been in the bed playing on her computer. isn't that a hoot! that's my assessment of her actions, and i let her know that she needs to get her ball moving or she'll fall behind like she always does. so i fussed at her and then came up here and hopped back on the computer to play scrabble. such a hypocritical message from someone who has spent all of thanksgiving day in her pyjamas on the computer reading stuff and playing games, from someone who has avoided grading 120 SPA essays for the last 3 weeks, from someone who is driving on expired car insurance, from someone whose roots are showing (time to pack a bit more mud round those roots), from someone who hasn't answered email in weeks because she hasn't updated her provider information in outlook express, who hasn't paid her bills so now interest is compiling, from someone whose teeth aren't brushed, whose hair is angry at her and is refusing to cooperate at all, whose bedroom is strewn with shoes, and whose clothes are tossed about as if the tornado happened inside, from someone who has not changed her clothes (or her underwear?) since wednesday, from someone who feels an odd pain for months and hasn't seen a doctor... ooh, that's enough to prove the hypocracy.