My roomate MAY be retarded.

Oct 14, 2008 17:42

So.. Corin, my new roomate MAY be retarded. There are several good examples that illustrate how one could perceive her as being mentally challenged, such as how she can't use the stove or microwave. Or, I could try to help wrap your mind around the word "un-thaw". Hell, I could even tell you how she went to the communal lounge to shut off the air conditioning in the appartment, when the panel is beside her bedroom.
But, instead allow me to explain a recent event that just arose.

I'm in the kitchen with Sarah, and I have JUST finished doing a ton of dishes. They are still wet.
Corin walks in and decides she needs to put them away. As she starts doing this, I ask "Can you let those dry for a few minutes, I don't want mold". We then get into an argument about how they are dry. I don't see how, but hey.. what the hell.
She then points to the WOODEN cutting board and tells me that wood doesn't get mold, and neither does plastic. She even asks Sarah "have you ever seen mold on PLASTIC?"...

WTF.  In short... my brain exploded.

Mind you, Sarah DID light my oven mitts on fire yesterday.

EDIT: Minutes after writing this, I emerge from my room to have the entire kitchen engulfed in smoke. Corin did this too. I opened the door to air it out. Obviously it was not thought of.
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