what do you do when it seems like there nothing you can do to make anything better i dont know i feel like clawing upward, but there is no help up there so i'll fall until i'm caught or i get the chance to crawl back up again ...
if you wear your fuckin crutch like a crown i will tear your life into pieces, you worthless sack of shit, just die for the sake of lowering the worthless organism quota there's already enough people like you ,and nobody will miss your pathetic weakling ass anyway just die just die just burn in hell forever
I once knew a negroe woman, too sensible of her woes, who pined for a considerable time, and was taken ill of a fever and dysnetery; when declaring it to be her dtermination to die, she refused all food and medical aid, and , in about a fortnight after, expired. On being thrown overboard, her body was instantly torn to pieces by the sharks.
it's okay, dont worry i'm just every person you've ever met rolled into one and that's why i dont have feelings so dont worry about me cuz i'll be fine on my own