Apr 13, 2007 01:00
All the time I thought I had to study just disappeared. And now here I am, cramming for my 9:00am Qual Research exam, while I'm still in London. I'm crazy. My bus is at 3:50am.
My last exam is on the 20th, just a week and a few hours away, but it seems so far. I need warm sun and a cool breeze to guide me to some happy memories and exciting plans.
EDIT, 11:35am: So I missed that bus, and I ended up arriving in Hamilton at 8:00am, and I had to use all of the two hours to write that Qual exam, while having an uncomfortably full bladder of bitter coffee. And now here I am, cramming for my 7:00pm Health and Healing exam, while I'm at a computer lab listening to Gym Class Heroes. I will always be crazy, but he still loves me.