(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 18:15

Sometimes things can fall out of place just as easy as they fell into it. I got my tonsils out about two weeks ago. Really, it sucked more than i thought it would. I don't remember much of the last two weeks and i'm sure they weren't a thrill. I'm still healing, and honestly i hope it starts to go a lot faster. I lost 15 lbs. Yeah, eating crushed popsicles for over a week will do that to you.

Sometimes I feel like nothing is going the way i thought it would be. Well, at least I made it through my 3month boredum and we're still together. I know thats odd to say but I've never been able to pass that time. We fight, yeah so what. Its normal. If we didn't than we wouldnt be comfortable. I'm sick of lies though, and finding out at the wrong times. If everytthing was perfect all the time we wouldn't be who we are, and we wouldnt stand the way we do. Being scared is natural.

I can't believe the fact that in little over a month I'm going to be a senior. Thats a scary thought. I've always wanted to rush to be older but being old means making choices for your future and leading the way on your own. Ouch
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