Mar 07, 2004 00:04
For anyone who's interested in visiting Egypt, time for a post of its downsides, just to prepare you.
I've mentioned before how time doesn't mean much to Egyptians while to the rest of the world, time is money. Well, now I can edit that and put it in capitals (but I don't want to scare anyone hehe): Time means absolutely nothing to them. In fact, neither does money. Not really.
About 10 days ago, we ordered a digital receiver and a dish for satellite and cable TV. They came, delivered and installed it all, except for the card for the cable TV. All that equipment was not cheap but they didn't ask to be payed. They said to come the next day to fix the rest (and I'd assume to take the cash) but to this day, I don't have cable TV. A few days ago they actually came, then said they had to go to the roof to do something there and would come back to the flat to finish. So they exited the flat and never returned. Heh, how freaking weird is that. For all I know, they all committed a collective suicide from the roof. Ok, so I can get over the fact that they're completely irresponsible, but one would think that the money would attract them.
Next case. The building I'm living is a owned by a rich Egyptian family who live in a number of those flats themselves. They've been trying to improve the facilities (if that's what you want to call them) and *calculating* 4 days ago they called us and said that they'd be changing the water pump or something and that there will be a water outage from 12-14 p.m. Well, you can guess, they were late even with that. We actually had water until 13:00 and...(guess again) that was the last we saw it. Yup, that's right. Four days later and we still have no running water. Good thing we have supplies. But this is ridiculous. And endless complaining doesn't help either. So much for the 12-14 schedule.
And the last thing I'll burden you with is the case of my brother's visa. My brother lives in Kuala Lumpur and is supposed to come visit us in Cairo on 10th of March. He has a letter from the Egyptian embassy in Sarajevo saying that he is our immediate family and should be granted a visa like ours. So there is NO problem at all for his getting it. However, Arabs have decided to stretch it as much as possible and to make such complications so that he still doesn't have it. No, there isn't a reason. It's all fine, everything is great, yet no visa. Meanwhile, his reservations have been canceled and God knows if he will make it on time. I'm going out of my mind. How sucky is it going to be if he doesn't come?? I haven't seen him in almost a year and I wished to show him so many places here in Cairo. We were also planning on going to Sharm el-Sheik together.
I am at a point of being so angry and annoyed that it goes beyond my ways of expressing it. So I give up. Ah, what the hell.