This night is winding down but time means nothing...

Feb 21, 2010 13:48

 OMFG. I'm procrastinating so hard right now.  This is probably my greatest skill, alongside knowing random HP facts...


I have so much to do, and very little time to accomplish it all, but I'm hoping the whole working-best-under-pressure thing will kick in sometime soon.  Very, very soon.

On one hand I'm really excited to be done with Winter Quarter.  Winter's usually the harder one to get through, but this past WQ was almost complete HELL.  Granted, there were bursts of sunshine every now and again, but I'm ready for it to be sunny all of the time :)  Though, I guess I wouldn't mind a little bit of rain here and there to dance in :D.

Speaking of which, I really need to figure out what classes I'm taking next quarter :X. I've only got one picked out so far, and I need 3 more...whoops.  Yet another thing for me to add to my list of things to do?  I think so.

Things have gotten so weird for me lately.  I had gotten so used to having a map to direct me that when my map failed me I really had no idea what to do.  I was telling a friend last night though, that I've come to learn that sometimes I find what I didn't know I was looking for when I'm lost, so my map has been thrown away.  It's scary, but it's exciting at the same time.

And I really need to get started on all my assignments...not watch Zombieland for like the millionth time...

life, school, rambling

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