Oct 21, 2009 16:16
so. Livejournal. still alive and kicking, incredibly.
I never really MEAN to come back here, I just kind of do, but I guess the internet is really awesome that way.
some things that have changed:
- I am currently TDY in Meridian, MS, where I have been since June and will be til at least sometime next year.
- I have a lot more tattoos
- I lived in Iraq for 6 months, when I was deployed from Sep 08 to Feb 09
- I was deployed to Qatar for 2 months in 2007
- I now have a Bachelor's degree, as well as an AA from DLI in Korean
- My brother, Matt, is married and I was his best man.
some things that have not changed:
- I still live in Nebraska
- I am single
- I am still in the Air Force
- I sort of don't have a car. it broke.
- I still drink. arguably a lot.
and that about covers it. haha. so, mostly for my future self: hello, future self. I hope you enjoyed this brief synopsis of the last few years. come back and update more, for your even futurer future self's sake.