
Sep 13, 2011 17:47

I have started writing again.

I currently am working on the next Doctor/Rose fic in my Unlocking Secrets series.

I'm also working on the Giles Family Series fic that I started for Summer of Giles.

If anyone wants to throw me some prompts to help me get back in the swing of things, I'd appreciate it.

Current fandoms are Doctor Who and Buffy. I could possibly be persuaded to write Merlin as well.

Main romantic pairings are my usual ones. Doctor (Ten)/Rose, Buffy/Giles, Uther/Morgana (not sure how that's going to work now). I'll accept prompts for any character, but only those romantic pairings.

If there's a character played by David Tennant or Anthony Head that you'd like me to have a go at writing, let me know and I'll see what I can do with that too.

I might even write CSI (Grissom/Sara) if anyone wants it.

You can pm me, email me (froxyn at yahoo dot com dot au), or leave a comment.

These will be for fics that are no more than 1500 - 2000 words. Chances are, they'll be over 1000 too. I'm not very successful with drabbles. *LOL*


I forgot to mention that you're more than welcome to request a time stamp fic or give me a song as a prompt. Keep in mind, "songfic" isn't technically songfic. It's more like...I'll listen to the music and lyrics and write what it makes me feel. I don't really write to the story of the song, if that makes sense.

There are only two songs ever written that I won't write fic for. Those two are Leafy Mysteries by Paul Weller and Little Wonders by Rob Thomas.

Those are Thomas' songs. :)

It also doesn't matter if I've written fic for a particular song before. I'm sure I can come up with a different fic for any song I've written too in the past.

If you have any questions, just ask.

prompts wanted/needed, fic

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