Firstly, before I forget...because I've forgotten so many others...and have even forgotten this more than once today...
Happy birthday
littleotter73! I hope you've had a wonderful day!
Got my results back from my latest bloods. My thyroid levels have normalized and my liver function is good again. He decreased my meds slightly (instead of taking 6 pills a day, I'm taking 5) and told me to have another set of bloods in 4 weeks. If all looks good, I'm guessing that we'll do the iodine.
I think I was able to avert surgery this time!
Currently, I'm sick. Nothing major, just a cold...and I'm not as bad as El right now. Bless her heart, she's been really sick for a few days now. I do worry that her's is going to head into a sinus infection :(. For me, it's just a sore throat...a blocked nose that runs constantly (how does that work? *LOL*) My hearing is worse than normal because of the congestion and I had to sleep on the couch last night because I needed to be slightly elevated.
That's what I hate the worst when I get a cold. I can't lay down properly because I feel like I can't breathe properly. And then I wake up in a panic, even though there's nothing wrong. But, all of that is eliminated if I sleep elevated. :(
One of El's sisters is apparently getting married.
To a man she's known for about 3 months. I have grave reservations about this for many reasons...the main one being that he blatantly manipulated our niece into "okaying" the engagement. I find him very controlling and it's impossible to have a conversation with her (El's sister) because a) he's always there, b) he always answers her phone, c) he answers any and all questions directed at her.
I've bitten my tongue more times than I can count, but...I have a feeling that I might just say something to him about it the next time he does it.
Not only does it annoy me that I ask her a question and he answers it, but I can't understand a fucking word he then I have to ask her again because I can't understand him (or El translates for me).
He has a very difficult accent to he lisps, which makes it sound like he mumbles and makes it impossible to read his lips. For someone with hearing problems, this is an issue.
I think she's rushing it. I think this isn't going to have a good outcome. I'm sure I can't tell her that because it'll just make her more determined to stay with him. If it was just her life, I'd say you go, just don't get hurt. But, it's not. She has a daughter (who at 10 is the ONLY one with common sense in that relationship) who is going to get caught up in all of this...who already has gotten caught up in all of this...
It does my head in.
Hopefully she comes to her senses before she actually marries him.
Other than's cold here. Which makes for lots of cuddly animals. Which is good...until you can't move because you have a furkid blanket. *LOL*
I think I have a Summer of Giles day approaching...I should go have a look at the calendar...because I kinda forgot. :(