Fear Her

Jun 24, 2006 22:28

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGWTF! Was that brilliant or WHAT?!!!

I cried a little. YES. I am LAME. (and hyper!) But it was just absolutely perfect.

AND NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE????! The teaser alone was killing me.

Whoever's not watching Doctor Who by now, is crazy. CRAZY!!

[edit] adding some sort of review. I have written down some random thoughts while listening to the episode commentary and trying to recall some scenes. It will make no sense whatsoever if you haven't seen the ep yet. Maybe it won't anyway if you have seen it. But um, spoilers ahead.

- First of, the colours were pretty.
- Rose and the yellow tee. Beautiful!
- Tennant looked HOT. No tie!
- Heeh, they parked the TARDIS in the wrong direction. Heeheeh.
- episode commentary: Franz Ferdinand are big fans of the show.
- I was a bit confused when The Doctor started to feel things. Through his hair on his arm? But right, that was what he was saying in the pilot. He can feel it all!!
- Rose and The Doctor were REALLY enjoying themselves. (scary. I was just typing this when they said the EXACT same thing on the commentary)
- What did Rose say again? Beautiful boy? Pretty Boy? The Doctor was adorable. But I cannot remember what he replied. Back wear? I need to watch it again.
- Awwwwww. Poor lonely boy. I just watched The End of the World last week (for the first time) and the scene where he tells Rose about his people? HEARTBREAKING. But now, in this episode, he was totally bussy making that thing and more like babbeling away, but it was still sad.
- He was a Dad. Did I read about that once? I know he was married once, but a kid? I don't know if I knew this and just repressed it (I'm good at that) or didn't know. Huh. WAIT! Ohoh! [epiphany] No, of course I knew. I knew he had grandkids! I saw Doctor Who and the Daleks and he had grandkids (annoying ones, mind you). Ok. Ok. Cleared that up.
- Ah, now the jam scene makes more sense (re commentary).
- The Doctor picking up the torch? That was just a bit over the top. just a BIT. *cough* But Tennant's expression looking at the fire? Worth every piece of corny-ness! That? Was hot.
- Awww, Rose being all sad and alone. Of course he was coming back, but still, awww.
- The Doctor ♥ cake
- I liked this story. A lot. I loved the "baddie" and the idea of the entire episode. The drawing/animation thing was gooood. I loved the Scribble.
- That was a pretty shot, them looking up at the fire works.
- OK, Rose! Why do you keep saying that you're going to stay together forever????!! You're totally begging for something bad to happen. WHY? Oh why???!
- There's a storm coming? A STORM? AND YOU'RE NOT KISSING HERE THERE AND THEN?????? YOU FOOL! I was kind of hoping for a kiss. [greet = fool]

The Doctor ♥ cake. Greet ♥ Doctor Who.

tv: doctor who

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