OMG, teh Chris: teh Love. Most of the stories and twists on Charmed (WTF?! Magicschool?!), still suck or just don't make any sense (and I'm not talking about the supernatural) but Chris! Chris! Chris!!! Like when Phoebe goes up to him and asks him straight away and he sighs. So great!! When they all try to get the parentals together: funny! And Leo/Chris!! *squeeee* And I was right!!!! At the end of s5 I thought Chris was Wyatt (who didn't?), but then we find out he isn't. And then there was this episode where there's this one very short shot of Chris where he kind of smiles after Leo says something like "Im a dad first." That's when I knew. Man, I will so want to watch s7 after the two next weeks (because we're getting 5 eps a week, it'll be over soon) :(
I made myself a new Chris icon *points* and also got a new Rory one. Damnit, it would be so great to be able to have more than three icons, I had to remove my all-time favorite Milo/Jess icon. *pouts*
Made some more, to share. I'm not very pleased with most of them though.
1. from the pilot. text is from Silence is easy by Starsailor
2. made this one for a challenge but ended up not submitting. text is from the Luckiest by Ben Folds.
3. I've wanted to make this one for a while ;)
4, 5, 6. variations. heh! text on 4 and 5 is from Lie in Sound by Trespassers William, again something I wanted to submit in a challenge but I forgot about. Text on 6 is from Novastar.
7. says 'together in Paris' and I did so make sense in my head!
comment, credit.
Hmmm, my dad decided he wanted to watch Shrek again, so I cannot drool over Jonathan Jackson in The Deep End of the Ocean (?). And got a lot of homework again for the weekend :( But I already got a headstart and did some of it earlier this evening. Yay, for me not procrastinating (too much). And I still have 6 episodes of various shows on the computer that I should watch. grrr. And 3 Charmed episodes and a Friends on tape. Mmweh, I want a vacation!
Oh and I will do that christmas wishlist meme soon. I am also going to try to grant at least one wish of the people on my friendlist. So far only 3 people posted their list. So people, spread the joy, post your own list and see if you can make someone happy :D