(no subject)

Nov 19, 2004 19:24

Ewww, half of my week was exhausting. And got lots of Italian homework for the weekend. And I've still got some taped shows to watch, 2 American Dreams episodes on the computer, 1 Gilmore and an OC (which just finished downloading).

I made Chris icons. I've never made any Charmed icons before, but ... I still like the show. *hangs head*. Some parts of it anyway. I'm a pretty loyal TV watcher, once I start watching a show I usually keep watching, no matter how much it starts sucking. I just mock and complain about it, but keep watching. After s1 it all went downhill fast. Season 1 was pretty good. Season 5 = worst show ever. But then they brought Drew Fuller in and WOPPAH!!! Chris and Leo = LOVE! They have these moments ... >> great chemistry! I don't know who Chris is yet (not very spoiled, just a bit) but I still believe he's Wyat's brother, which makes me a freak thinking Chris/Leo is teh way to go. I know!

lyrics from Damien Rice: I Remember and Older Chests. comment and credit.

theocfansite.com. (subtile plug!)
Now I'm just going to obsess over Jess. Silently. Over here

icons: charmed, tv: charmed, icons

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