May 26, 2008 18:08
Well, Indy wasn't the best story line I have ever seen. But Damn it was good to see him on the big screen again! It was filled with tricks they have pulled before, but still enjoyable. I think they could have done a lot more with the Russian gal. I mean there has always been a element of the supernatural in Indy films. In the Temple, the main baddie could remove the heart while the victum was still alive. And all the Russian gal can do is take off her glove and wave it in Indy's face? Common Mr. Lucas, you're not trying.
I'm pretty much done with summer movies. But I do want to see Hellboy II. But the rest projected to come out really are more along the lines of, interesting, but I can wait. Not Frosty though. Frosty is chomping at the bit for all the superhero shows comming. Hulk Kung Fu Panda, and the Happening(June 13), Wall-e (June 27), Hancock (July 2),The Dark Knight (July 19),and The mummy (again) on Aug. 1. There are some more, but these are the ones of interest for my pack.
The home inspection did not go well. there is a part of the home that is sinking. (About 3 inches) and it looks like it's gonna keep doing so unless the foundation is fixed. And the supports in the attic were removed to make a storage space. First big snow and the roof is toast. This among other things, however these are the two major problems. Foundataion fixes are NOT cheap and I don't see they saying they will fix it. Leaving us at square one. Again. So we have boxes, and most of them packed. All dressed up and no where to go. ~sighs~
But my boss said I could move my tele-work day so I work from home on Thursday, have Friday off, then the weekend with working from home again on monday making it 5 days at home. Cool