Apr 16, 2006 11:24
Or rather, 31 947!
I've broken the double of my goal for AF, and I've finally got my characters somewhere! I intro'd my main villain yesterday, and now they're hunting high and low for him. C'zar and Cela are currently taking their third turn at commiserating over a bottle, and C'zar is pissy about the weather. This is strange, since just two scenes ago, he told me he likes rain. Makes no sense for him to not like it two scenes later.
Maybe he's pissy about something else, though - it's hard to tell, since it's Cela's POV at the moment.
In other news, I've found something really nifty on the 'net: www.pandora.com It's like your own personal radio-station - just go there, search for an artist or song you like, and they'll play the song, and then continue playing songs that resemble it that you might like. Totally cool - I started on Foo Fighters, and now I've gone through Nirvana, Fall Out Boy and Audioslave. 'S all very good. Try it out - it's all free, which is the niftiest thing.
april fools,