On my way, and it's about time.

Mar 03, 2009 01:09

I hate to do it, and yet I'm frightened/excited to do so. I'm moving once again.

It is time to start over, sort of. I'm finally over the ex(thank god), and have found an apartment. I am so ready to get out of my parent's house. Not that I don't love them, I do, but I'm ready to have some "me" time and space.

I'll admit to it being financially tight, winter/spring is always hard but I know that not having to share the groceries will help as will spreading the cat supplies among less cats. No I'm not getting rid of my babies, but Joey belongs to LJ(supposedly, although I've been taking care of him since she graduated H.S.) and Maggie belongs to Mom. So, Pandemonium, Pax and Terror in a studio apartment. This should be fun. OK, yes I'm freaking crazy. I don't care. I'll have to save up too, I have Anime Boston in May and Otakon in July this summer and I want to see about going to the Ren Faire this year. Last year I just couldn't bring myself to face the memories of the ex. Bastard.

It helps that my 'Con and D&D friends have been so helpful/supportive of this. JF for a quickie get-a-way when I was mad stressed to NYC, or SH and AMT for reminding me it was ok to let go of my home and find someplace new. EB for being the 'Kitty-boy' and lifting my spirits when the apartment hunt was going badly and cheering me on when it went well. And I can't forget DW who is always there to remind me(usually inadvertently) that my life is no stranger than anyone else's.

So. I have a now very busy week of packing(thankfully it's mostly done..)and figuring out just how little I actually own to make a livable space. Drop me a line if you want to volunteer (hint, hint) to haul gear to the new place (yes, I'll buy pizza) donate to the empty wall fund (Dear god, I have cathedral ceilings and white walls, help!) or just a bit of encouragement.


starting over

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