To do my duty...

Feb 09, 2005 19:28

Well, the rest of today went without a hich. Sort of.

I went to the rest of my classes. Nothing special really, I must say. Then came training, where we were training our new manager recruits, and I must say that I wasn't too pleased with how it went. Not to say it didn't go well, I just suppose I had a different idea for it, and in doing so, probably made myself look like an idiot.

A few days ago, Matt, Ben, and I hammered out the things we wanted to teach them in each portion. The first portion was dedicated to the teaching of basic linux commands. I asked if I could cover it, considering I taught a linux class.

Now here is where I have to be honest. Whe I started my training, I knew next to nothing about linux. Like, bearly new commands like cd, mkdir, rm, things like that. So when we did it, I think we did a basic portion, which taught me alot in how to start. I supose I was expecting to teach that, but apparently we weren't. When we got in there, the first thing they taught was "Find", which isn't that easy of a command (Atleast I never taught it in my class). It threw me off wack. I spent the rest of the night trying to help, but generally didn't.

This will suprise some people, especiallly my roomate if he ever read this, but I like order. When I do something, I wanna do it right, because usually if I don't, I end up tangenting out into a million sections. Product of a bouncy mind I suppose. I like moving onto a progression of things, and I especially like throughness.

I'm a very all or nothing person. Either I am something, doing it, being it, and attempting to do it well, or I'm not, and I'm dissassociated, and don't get it done. So, naturally, when I teach something, I want to start from the beginning, and though making an assumption that people don't know anything is rough, it can teach them to pick things up. Thats part of RTFM (Read the $^%@$ manual). Too many things are done half assed. If ya want something done right, you have to put your whole ass into it.

I don't know. Think I worried too much about it. The guys seemed to be taking to it fine. But I know that Ben, Matt, and I can all talk really fast, the synapses in our heads just work like that. But the fact is, that all my sidenoting kinda made me look foolish, and probably israel like. Dr. Isreal is not one of the people I want to aspire to be, she has a habbit of acting...unagreeable. With the rest of the planet.

I can't help but feel foolish sometimes next to Ben and Matt. Both of them had the luck of being able to work in the lab all summer, and reinstall all the computers. Both now have an extreme amount of knowledge in CSCI. Matt is really smart, especially over the summer, and Ben was probably born with the knowledge. Or it seems like it.

And I suppose I might come off as idiotic to them, or atleast a little foolish. I worry about little, non-important things. Things like windows managers, and computer names. I like programming, but its not what I want to do for a living. and I enjoy being creative too, doing things like writing and occassionally drawling. Things uncharacteristic for CSCI I suppose.

While they're working on programs for modling and other things like that, I'm usually mesing around with Enlightenment. They probably don't believe it worthwhile, but if I don't make it well in the Games business, I was considering UI design (user interface). I don't know why, but I like graphics alot more than programs. I do believe that a program should run, and run well, but things become more functional and open when an interface is put onto it, even if a text based interface.

I also know that people are more impressed with graphics and interfaces. People take things on face value, and how they look. You could make really big and complex programs, but if they aren't -really- big and really -complex- and unless you have a few of them, people generally aren't impressed.I like form and design, and geometery, and I like doing it efficiently (thought the commentary of the others probably will mention my efficiency isn't measured in time).

But anyway, I did not feel smart infront of the guys tonight. Hopefully tommarrow is better. I do get the feeling that there is a division in the lab managers, a definate divide, but I'm not stupid enough to mention it here.

I dun know. I'm going to get on WOW for a while, then come back and do my honor to The Scouts.
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